Our Vendors

You will see this group of vendors working in our neighborhood on a regular basis throughout the year. The board works hard to identify the right companies to perform the various upkeep and maintenance tasks for the sub. Please feel free to reach out to any of these companies if you need similar work performed on your own property.

Landscape Maintenance, Lawn Care, Snow Removal

A&H Lawn Service handles our common area grass cutting and cleanup as well as the regular maintenance of our common area trees, shrubs and plantings. Including weeding, pruning and general care of our landscaping elements. During the winter months, they are also responsible for clearing snow from sidewalks that fall on common area property.

 (734) 429-5778


Ponds Maintenance

Water Landscapes handles the maintenance of our pond fountains and aerators. 

(248) 379-5351


Aqua-Weed Control handles pond chemical treatments.

(248) 634-8388
